Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Already?

Because it´s only when you’re tested that you truly discover who you are. And it´s only when you’re tested that you discover who you can be. The person that you want to be does exist, somewhere in the other side of hard work and faith, and belief and beyond the heartache and fear of what life has."
Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Love Well

I felt the need to not only write about living well this life, but loving well in this life also. Loving well, loving my family, loving my friends, loving them just like the Father loves me. The Father's love is so amazing, God's love, do I even know the depth of the amazing love the God I serve has, gives, shares, maybe, the scriptures tell me it is possible to know the love, but the peace, the peace shall be beyond all my understanding. I hold fast for others, but when it comes time to show love to myself do I, do I love every perfect and not so perfect part of me? Live well this life, there is no dress rehearsal, love well, this life, while the Spirit of God, lives within.

Live Well This Life

Recently while in Las Vegas for my anniversary the wall above the table read, live well, this life. I found the words interesting and so true. I havent wrote in a few days because of the trip to Vegas, and this morning I missed class, because I wanted to blog, relax, and spend some time alone, God's calling, I need more time with Him, for in His presence I find peace when all around me trouble seems to be striking. One of my clients is dealing with what may be breast cancer, I am sad I want her to live long and healthy. This topic is my life topic, where it should be about love and how I made it four years in a marrige, which is a milestone for me, but today is about life, I will write more on my Vegas trip later.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day To Daying.....

Looking for a reason to smile this morning..........truth is reasons to smile are all around me, I woke up, I am breathing, I have a job, I am about to graduate, and you get the picture, yet when love hurts I do not feel like smiling. I guess its my mood its down and I don't want to be down , in a few days I will be in Vegas for my fourth anniversary, four years, that is a milestone for me! Why do I let others effect or is it affect, anyways why do I let the lousy moods of others bother my mood, I am guessing it is because when the one I love, the one who is supposed to love me is not so peachy and happy.....then neither am I...

The card my husband gave me last month on my birthday talks about love is in the staying, not in the falling, love is the day to day things that happen, right?

So, I look to God, seek His face, but not nearly enough, I want to know Him more, I want to be so close to the Father, that not even my sometimes grumpy husband cannot shake the joy I have in serving God!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Well, I missed writing on Valentines day, so I thought I would just write a little bit about the day. I sent a photo of me and Donny sharing a kiss to Walgreen's share a kiss at times square, it was really neat. As I strolled through and looked at all the pictures of people I smiled as I seen those young and old sharing kisses, smiles, and faces, with the world, letting strangers in to see that love does exist.

On the way to work one morning I heard the anouncers talk about a worldwide survey by which the results were most chose to spend valentine's day with their pet's, except for the french, they wanted to be with a partner. I found I related to the pets as well. My pets love me unconditionally much like God loves me. My pet calms me, is excited to see me, sleeps nexts to me, and just plain enjoys my company. I find it interesting the things a human can learn from the love of a pet.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Morning's early..... saturday morning, I have been up drinking a fresh cup of coffee, I love coffee. I just submitted a picture of me and my husband to walgreen's for posting in times square (New York) on Valentine's day, I have yet to go to New York, but I can say my picture has! On life , love, and latte this morning, my sister's are on my mind. I have two older sisters, one in Texas, one in Ohio, and me I am in California.I like to say I am a born beach brat, country at heart, and all wrapped up as God's girl. In losing mom last year, me and my sister's talk more now, and I am glad. I wondered how life would be after mom, in regard to my relationship with my sister's, and it is going pretty good. I find myself calling my oldest sister asking her things that I probably should know about at my age, but I am asking now and I have to admit she does a good job at answering my questions and giving advice.Sister's well, they are special in more way's the one, God in my opinion gives sisters, atleast in my life an interesting relationship..........more later.....

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today, already into the new year of 2010 and this is my first blog of the year. This blog goes out to my year ahead as I look into life, love, and latte through the eyes of my christian faith.

A quick recap of the beginning of my year.

January brought in a birthday for me, my 43'rd birthday to be exact, nothing real eventful except for I was burnt(slang for I paid for something I did not receive) on a conference I was going to I was able to retain my arline ticket, still waiting for the 1,000 refund check that I am told, "is in the mail", and the hotel money, well Im out about 152.00 dollars! So, this is how my year began, not to mention a trip to the emergency room, by which I am still recovering. In case this blog sounds depressing I assure all, it is not, I am oh contrare, quite blessed with friends, family, and the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ whom through all my lifes journey thus far has stayed close by, along with the Father, and the Holy Spirit, guiding, teaching, and loving me like no one else can or ever will.