Saturday, April 23, 2011

Racing and life

So, much to catch up on. I went to the races in Alabama for first race and I had so much fun. The whole event including the flights there were powerpact with information about my Christianity and everyday happenings in life. I have some pictures Ill upload soon. As I listened over the scanner to some of my fav drivers, I was reminded of how when the crew chiefs spotted the drivers, and how the Holy Spirit guides and speeks to the spirit. I wartched drivers lead and then fall behind, lead again, then fall behid, just like in life you gain some ground and then seem to step back. Im in a race of sorts a spiritual race and I have a comforter, I have armor just like the race drivers are protected in their cars, so I am instructed to put on the whole armor of God to fight the good fight, stay in the race. So much mor I could write, but off to work, more soon.

Friday, April 8, 2011


This morning I blogged on my coaching site about beginning again,maybe physically, emotionally, maybe both, and I recall on the path I have been on. I have went through much change and continue to go through more. The thing is things I thought I worked through come up and wow, Im so glad I have tools and resources now to help me get through moments that feel like sudden panic. Life, life is good even admist the ups, downs, and everyday things, but Im striving for better, and why, because it is my God given right to reach my place as the daughter of the Most High God, paid for with a price, by Jesus Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit.

I have a new beginning, I went to a a church a client invited me to and it is promising, things lined up my thoughtd, my actions, my feelings, Im happy about the church, a place for me to get connected. Yes, I am an introvert , but only at times, get me out and I can love and rejoice and share and listen to others, seems funny because when I am home, Im thinking, Im studying, Im resting in the presence of the Father.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air! Do something today to brighten YOUR world, bring YOUR spirit up, be COMITTED today, whether to GIVING to ANOTHER, commtitted to LOVE, re-arrange some items in a room, do SOMETHING, to add a beautiful new color to your life, not only will you be uplifted in spirit, but so will those around you.

BE Happy, thy word say's "seek and ye shall find", seek happiness today!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Never Far Away

Never far away, that is was I remind myself of when I start thinking about God. Sometimes, I get caught up in the day to daying of things and begin to feel a longing in my spirit, as if I have strayed away from the Father, so I take a deap breath and remember He is never far away. The Holy Bible scripture speeks of those who seek shall find in reference to Him. I've studied various lessons over the last 6 years concern people and spirit, I find myself so thankful that God still sits on the throne , even when times seem tough, I am growing and learning. So, Heartache and pain I have seen and I shall give back to people what has been giving to me, love, forgiveness, freedom, joy, and the list goes on. I am so thankful that God is never far away, for the Word of God speaks of , "Nothing can seperate me from the love of God, nothing, wherever I go He is there.