Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Oh my I have been busy, a few weeks ago I spent some time in Riverside with the ladies from Awesome women Hub, I felt so relaxd and rested , now I feel like just sleeping, but I have work to do. I am so glad I have God in my life, when I get busy He always reminds me to slow down and evaluate what I am doing. I like to say I am busy about my Fathers business;-)
My first e-book is about finished, Im working with someone to get my state and federal stuff in line for the coaching business,I am working on marketing, and I went and ordered my passport. So happy to be going places!
I remind myself though when I sense and know with an inner knowing to rest, that God is doing a work in me. So important when life get's busy to remember to stay close to the Father, seek Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
God's word states, "knock and the door shall be open, seek and ye shall find! God's Holy word shall forever hold true.
Thank you Father for closing the doors that needed closed, opening the doors that required opening in my life!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Mothers Day
Well, mothers day just passed, this was the hardest so far without mom, its been a few years, and of course I miss her. I thought it fitting to ad moms day to a post. Times have been challenging lately, but each day I work towards a closer walk with my creator and desire that which I believe He has chosen for me, I receive all the gifts He has so greatly bestowed upon me. Should be easy right? But just as most a struggle at times to understand the full beauty of the presence of God in my life, and what a gift He gave me in my mother, through all the ups and downs, I know my Father God loves me, even at times when I do not feel like loving myself, just like mamma used to do!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Racing and life
So, much to catch up on. I went to the races in Alabama for Nascar...my first race and I had so much fun. The whole event including the flights there were powerpact with information about my Christianity and everyday happenings in life. I have some pictures Ill upload soon. As I listened over the scanner to some of my fav drivers, I was reminded of how when the crew chiefs spotted the drivers, and how the Holy Spirit guides and speeks to the spirit. I wartched drivers lead and then fall behind, lead again, then fall behid, just like in life you gain some ground and then seem to step back. Im in a race of sorts a spiritual race and I have a comforter, I have armor just like the race drivers are protected in their cars, so I am instructed to put on the whole armor of God to fight the good fight, stay in the race. So much mor I could write, but off to work, more soon.
Friday, April 8, 2011
This morning I blogged on my coaching site about beginning again,maybe physically, emotionally, maybe both, and I recall on the path I have been on. I have went through much change and continue to go through more. The thing is things I thought I worked through come up and wow, Im so glad I have tools and resources now to help me get through moments that feel like sudden panic. Life, life is good even admist the ups, downs, and everyday things, but Im striving for better, and why, because it is my God given right to reach my place as the daughter of the Most High God, paid for with a price, by Jesus Christ, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
I have a new beginning, I went to a a church a client invited me to and it is promising, things lined up my thoughtd, my actions, my feelings, Im happy about the church, a place for me to get connected. Yes, I am an introvert , but only at times, get me out and I can love and rejoice and share and listen to others, seems funny because when I am home, Im thinking, Im studying, Im resting in the presence of the Father.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Spring is in the air
Spring is in the air! Do something today to brighten YOUR world, bring YOUR spirit up, be COMITTED today, whether to GIVING to ANOTHER, commtitted to LOVE, re-arrange some items in a room, do SOMETHING, to add a beautiful new color to your life, not only will you be uplifted in spirit, but so will those around you.
BE Happy, thy word say's "seek and ye shall find", seek happiness today!
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Never Far Away
Never far away, that is was I remind myself of when I start thinking about God. Sometimes, I get caught up in the day to daying of things and begin to feel a longing in my spirit, as if I have strayed away from the Father, so I take a deap breath and remember He is never far away. The Holy Bible scripture speeks of those who seek shall find in reference to Him. I've studied various lessons over the last 6 years concern people and spirit, I find myself so thankful that God still sits on the throne , even when times seem tough, I am growing and learning. So, Heartache and pain I have seen and I shall give back to people what has been giving to me, love, forgiveness, freedom, joy, and the list goes on. I am so thankful that God is never far away, for the Word of God speaks of , "Nothing can seperate me from the love of God, nothing, wherever I go He is there.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wanted to take the time and say a goodbye to Elizabeth Taylor. I loved the way she stayed glamorous, even though others in the movie industery layed back over the years, Elizabeth stood up for herself and her femanine beauty.
Take a moment today and be your glamorous self, even if it is just wearing a new shade of lipstick, or a pair of awesome, earings, hey even a cute pair of heels, just do something to add some glam to your life today. RIP Elizabeth Taylor
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Thy Word
Lately I have come across many different ways people express their views of God and the things of God, such as life, the universe, heaven, hell, death, and so forth. Some of it shakes me for a moment, I understand that everyone is intitled to his or her opinion, I just am so thankful that the word of God for me is alive.
I can hear the scripture and put forth the scripture and feel the presence of the Father. Thy word have I hid in my heart, so powerful and comforting. My creator, created me, my Savior lived as I live, and the very Spirit of the Father dwells within. Thy word, is not just words, the word of the living God is sharper than a two edge sword, how powerful is that.
I suppose in the moments I feel shaken I can remember to stand strong in faith, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal more of the Father to me, more about Jesus, and more about Himself.
As the daughter of the Most High God, I shall believe and serve the one whom I call God and holdfast to His unfailing love.
I cling to the mercy and grace bestowed!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thank you God for my friends, family, job, husband, my dogs, my home, the material things I have such as clothing, clients, and the food in my kitchen. Thank you for my businesses, and thank you for allowing me to begin to travel around the world sharing the love of Jesus, and thank you for your food and shelter ministry about to break loose in Bakersfield. Thank you God for my life, Your daughter Georgianna
Thursday, March 10, 2011
My Burden? His Yoke!
So this week I am learning after being so ill with a chronic ear condition,to slow down , spend some time outside, have some fun, that I have the best friend ever in Jesus, the most precious of comforters in the Holy Spirit, and the love of the creator God. God that is alive and God that loves me, God that wants me to enjoy this world, share the love of Jeus, and enjoy worship with Him.
So this week I am learning to love me, not self above the creator, but my higher self, so that I may love others!
My Burden? His Yoke!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Well, I did'nt get to my Wednesday rec-ap, but i did run across an article this morning for sharing. As I am working on my new coaching site and beginning to realize organizing my time is important I found this article very useful. I also found that the Spirit of the Lord is tugging at my Heart. I believe in Jesus, His Birth , His death, His resorection, so act like it. Im missing out on the full benefit of having a relationship with Jesus.
"Maybe pulling over at a Starbucks, or at least our kitchen table, with that paper and pencil is something we all need to do from time to time. We can feel like running away and give ourselves the luxury of fantasy. But we can also intentionally define and design what we want our lives to look like. We deserve to ask ourselves the powerful questions that keep us in alignment with our purpose. Or discover our purpose for the first time.
• What is great right now and what could be better?
• When am I the most authentic and when am I just going through the motions?
• What do I need to thrive and how can I incorporate that into my life?
• When am I genuinely giving of myself and when am I just pouring myself out in obligation?
• What fills me back up?
• What is my voice? What is my style? What are my strengths and values?
• What is one thing I can do differently now?
Can we be both realistic about our situation and idealistic about our possibilities? If we go public with a goal, dream or intention- if we write it down or tell a friend- then it feels more real and may even plant a seed somewhere out there. There is power and purpose in our kitchen table dreaming".
In the words of our consummate American explorer of identity: "Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." ~Henry David Thoreau
©2011, Brad Waters - designyourpath.com
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Busy as a Bee

So much time seems to go by between working on my Blog, Ill do a catch-up this Wednesday. Iam thinking that I will do a weekly post on various things ever Wednesday, so if you are following , get ready for some fun postings that will give you the opportunity to be lifted up with thoughts to think about. Until Wednesday be blessed for you are amazing!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
BliSs arTworKs StuDio: 12 unexpected art supplies
BliSs arTworKs StuDio: 12 unexpected art supplies: "Before you even get to the art journal page, you have an opportunity to be creative in what you can find in the drugstore (or anywhere) to u..."
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Loveland Relationship: Love, Gifts, & Valentine's Day
Loveland Relationship: Love, Gifts, & Valentine's Day: " Love your partner, love yourself, and love the land with eco-friendly, long lasting, memorable gifts. Celebrate love or friendship, l..."
Sunday, January 2, 2011

It is wind day of the second day of the New Year, 2011, as I sit in my office looking out the window I view the treetops over my fence swaying back and forth, the fallen leaves that only moments ago still on the ground being blown to and fro , up and over with the wind. Reminds of how nature and life works, the wind of life comes blowing through, a once still moment, so I thought, is tossed and turned into a new experience. The Universe is never truly still, right, and so as God planned, change takes place continually with all under the sun, the stars, the moon, nothing stays the same.
I ponder being considerate today to myself, my life, my journey, my visions, and even my plan’s. I like the sound when I say I am a visionary, because I have a vision I do not necessarily know the ending result, but that is ok with me. Plans, for me, well sure I plan, but I have learned my plans do not always come out they way I expected, now of course I get up in the morning, I brush my teeth, drink my coffee, then I look beyond my plans and I envision, where the ego, has no choice but to step aside. I envision from my passion, my spirit, my soul where the person of the Holy Spirit speaks to my spirit, where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, through faith remind me of the hope I have in the Lord.
So today, my soul awakens, my spirit thrives, and the joy of becom..ing into who I am reaches the very depth of my inner be..ing while producing shifts in my life as evidence of growth on the outside.
At moments be..ing appears hazy..at moments be..ing appears bold, and huge, and great, and full of light, then just for a moment fear wants in, knocking sometimes hard, knocking sometimes light, then I hear the whisper, the gentelman's touch of the Holy Spirit, I realize my power, my vision, my thoughts... love steps in, and I begin to recreate, at that very moment I breath, I am alive, I am me, be..ing me... bold, beautiful, talented, sucessful, and GIVING.
I search and I find, I believe, and I see, I love, and I am loved.
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