Today I am starting over, yes, starting over is possible and today is my day. I have made strtides over the years from doing negative things in my life to doing positive things, and just as Pink sings about in her song Glitter in the Air, so I am awaiting the moment I shall throw a fist full of glitter in the air!
I tried to comment on your other blog and it says that only member can comment. So I became a follower and it still would not let me comment.
ReplyDeleteI liked some of what you had to say on the 'Proverbs' blog. Just letting you know just in case you didn't know.
I am not 100% sure on this, but I think when it says, "Only members can comment here" it is referring to blogs that have more than one contributing 'member'.
If you notice on the page where your blogs are (profile page) listed and then the other blogs that you are following that on the top right it says, "Team members". I think that is what it means when it says "Only a 'member' of this blog my comment."
Not trying to get all 'know it all' here. Because I'll be the first to admit I don't know a whole lot about how these work. I just thought you might want to know because I tried to comment and could not.
Blessings, my the Lord be with you always!