Well, I do not seem to make it to the blogging like I want to, and I am finding out that blogging or thinking about blogging and not doing it, helps me to understand the mood I am in. So, I had decided a month ago to not by anything new as far as clothing, I am doing good, but Avon has the cutest pair of shoes,and the ladies at work keep complimenting on how cute hey are...ugh! But, I am not buying them, now if my husband decides he would like to buy them for my graduation trip, well that will be ok, right?
Me and God, well I think the aknowledgement of my relationship with Him is better than ever, I feel, sense, and understand each day a little more of His ways. Life is truly about the Father, but somehow He still cares, He will never leave nor forsake me, never is a strong word, in rehab one is taught to never say never, yet God says, "He will never leave me", how uterly comforting, now I understand that God never leaving me does not mean I never leave Him, (not totally leave) but step away from His presence when doubt comes flooding in. I have been reading more and learning more about the love of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and over the next several weeks I will begin to share the books I am reading and about the classes and training I am attending about grief, crises and trauma.
If you could open up my heart and look in, what would you see? You would see:Pain covered in comfort, sadness covered with joy, fear covered with courage. When you look at me what do you see, Jesus, my redeemer, Lord, and Savior, who in my pain gives me comfort, in my sadness gives me joy, in my fear gives me courage, I call all that He gives me LOVE. G.H.Thompson
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