Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day To Daying.....

Looking for a reason to smile this morning..........truth is reasons to smile are all around me, I woke up, I am breathing, I have a job, I am about to graduate, and you get the picture, yet when love hurts I do not feel like smiling. I guess its my mood its down and I don't want to be down , in a few days I will be in Vegas for my fourth anniversary, four years, that is a milestone for me! Why do I let others effect or is it affect, anyways why do I let the lousy moods of others bother my mood, I am guessing it is because when the one I love, the one who is supposed to love me is not so peachy and happy.....then neither am I...

The card my husband gave me last month on my birthday talks about love is in the staying, not in the falling, love is the day to day things that happen, right?

So, I look to God, seek His face, but not nearly enough, I want to know Him more, I want to be so close to the Father, that not even my sometimes grumpy husband cannot shake the joy I have in serving God!

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