Well, I did'nt get to my Wednesday rec-ap, but i did run across an article this morning for sharing. As I am working on my new coaching site and beginning to realize organizing my time is important I found this article very useful. I also found that the Spirit of the Lord is tugging at my Heart. I believe in Jesus, His Birth , His death, His resorection, so act like it. Im missing out on the full benefit of having a relationship with Jesus.
"Maybe pulling over at a Starbucks, or at least our kitchen table, with that paper and pencil is something we all need to do from time to time. We can feel like running away and give ourselves the luxury of fantasy. But we can also intentionally define and design what we want our lives to look like. We deserve to ask ourselves the powerful questions that keep us in alignment with our purpose. Or discover our purpose for the first time.
• What is great right now and what could be better?
• When am I the most authentic and when am I just going through the motions?
• What do I need to thrive and how can I incorporate that into my life?
• When am I genuinely giving of myself and when am I just pouring myself out in obligation?
• What fills me back up?
• What is my voice? What is my style? What are my strengths and values?
• What is one thing I can do differently now?
Can we be both realistic about our situation and idealistic about our possibilities? If we go public with a goal, dream or intention- if we write it down or tell a friend- then it feels more real and may even plant a seed somewhere out there. There is power and purpose in our kitchen table dreaming".
In the words of our consummate American explorer of identity: "Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined." ~Henry David Thoreau
©2011, Brad Waters - designyourpath.com